Kadua Another Apps

Monster Rumble 3.0.9
Kadua Another
This, is the world where cuteness equalawesomeness, it's the world of Monster Rumble !From now on, consider yourself as a Rumbler.Catch 'em, and fight together with them, make 'em stronger throughthe Rumbles !Features :Realtime day and night system according to your deviceclock.Weather system.Meet and catch the Monsters, get the rare one, and become thestrongest Rumbler !
Kadua Another
Not just another crossing game, BAD ASSCROSSING is taking it to a whole new level.Cross the street while of course, avoiding furious driver, butnot only that, freely running, hopping, even kicking otherpedestrian a**** to gain more score.It's CROSSING WITH STYLE.TERJEMAHAN :BAD ASS CROSSING, alias NYEBRANG CARA GREGET, akan memberikankamu pengalaman baru dalam menyeberang jalan.Hindari kendaraan ngawur yang berlalu lalang dengan kecepatantinggi sambil berlari, melompat, atau menendang orang lewat untukmenambah skor.Ayo nyebrang dengan cara greget.